Howdy Love!
My get-up-and-go got-up-and-went for a bit there. I anticipate that by next week it will happen again, so I decided that marketing and running email programs this year was going to be too much. But, this morning I felt a little bit better and said- “Hey! Let’s send some Days of Light out. It may not be the full program, but people could really use some light right now”. That said, I’ll post as I can and offer them for free!
If you would like to pitch in a penny or pound you can venmo: @jenni-tooley or paypal: You could also gift someone with a subscription to Jenni Tooley Presents which would be an awesome sharing of the wealth:)
Today's gift is a powerful one: PAUSE.
It is so easy this time of year to chase perfection. So much so that we get caught up in all the stress and forget why we are doing it (if we ever knew in the first place). I remember so many holidays that I spent sick--why? Overdoing it, stressing out, trying to be in five places at once. My body said "Hey crazy lady, slow down! Oh, not gonna listen? Here's a big fat flu for you!"
Then I learned how to pause. It was uncomfortable at first. It really seemed like I didn't have the time. But it turned out that by pausing I created time that I didn't know I had. Pausing gives me a moment to breathe, to get back to balance and to get clarity on what I really want for my life. It puts me in a place of power because I stop reacting and start responding to life.
Pause quick tip:
If you need a practical way to pause, enlist your breath as a helper. Stop what you are doing and take three deep breaths. Congratulations! You just paused!
Want an even more powerful tool to get rid of the irritability and overhwhelm? Implement a N.A.P. (non-action plan). I can assure you it really works if you give it a chance:) I encourage you to give it a try and see what happens!
Until tomorrow....